
Overcoming Pessimism: Strategies for a Healthier Mindset

An individual with a pessimistic view tends to see the world more negatively than most, making it a difficult outlook to manage at times. A pessimistic outlook may have some positive side effects—it can help us prepare for potential pitfalls and problems we may face—but it also has a darker side.

Pessimism has been linked with anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, hostility, high blood pressure, and heart disease. That's why it's important to manage your inner dialogue and work on overcoming pessimistic tendencies when they arise.

Here are a few strategies to break the cycle of pessimism and create a healthier mindset.

  •  Label negative thoughts when they arise, and then set them aside. Try giving them a name versus more attention to help regain your power.
  • Try writing down your worries or concerns; this helps take the emotional charge away from your worries by externalizing them onto paper.
  • Regularly exercise to release endorphins that naturally lift your mood; try going out for a walk or bike ride when you start feeling down or anxious about something.

Reach Out for Support

Pessimism is an outlook on life that requires conscious management to prevent it from becoming overwhelming and emotionally and physically damaging.ds

While it may be useful in moderation (and the goal isn't necessarily radical optimism either), it is important to recognize when your inner dialogue has become too one-sidedly negative and take steps towards creating a healthier mindset by utilizing practical strategies.

Talk therapy can be an incredibly helpful step when dealing with pessimistic thoughts. This type of therapy allows you to talk through issues with a mental health professional who can guide you in managing the overwhelming thoughts and feelings accompanying pessimism.


Diane K. Schmidt Counseling Services | 8575 W. 110th Street, Suite 304 Overland Park, KS 66210 | Phone: 913.730.6778 | Email: diane@dkschmidtcounseling.com